To inform the public about the benefits of providing cash donations to aid groups, CIDI created a vast reservoir of educational resources, including blogs, best practice guidelines, public service announcements, and other tools for public use and distribution.


All the news that’s fit to post about the best ways to donate after disasters! Take a look at our Good Intentions Blog, CIDI in the News, and our social media platforms. They contain the latest information on what we’re doing to tell the public why “Cash is Best.”

Disaster Relief

USAID’s Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance leads and coordinates the U.S. government’s humanitarian assistance efforts overseas. The Bureau responds to an average of 75 disasters in more than 70 countries every year, ensuring that aid reaches tens of millions of people.



Did you know that sending bottled water to a disaster site overseas can be 1,000 times more expensive than producing safe drinking water locally? How much do you think it costs to send canned food to Kinshasa? What can an aid group do with the same amount of money? Check out our Greatest Good Donations Calculator to find out!